Martian Farewell


7/7/20233 min read

The Martian skies painted a canvas of pastel pinks and purples, a beautiful sight that held a bittersweet tinge. The Nomad sat there, waiting, as if reluctant to start the journey without me. We all sat down, their eyes reflecting the anxiety of what was to come.

"I struck a deal with Old Grit that'll get you guys off this rock and back on the hunt. I think I can get him paid back in 2-3 months. He's got a contract with the Cydonia group and I'm going to be getting back to a miners life. We've really come full circle," I said.

Fitt was the first to break the silence. "You sure about this, Moe?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper. His question, though simple, carried the weight of a friendship that had survived battles, loss, and the vast emptiness of space.

"I am," I replied, clasping his shoulder firmly. His eyes held mine for a long moment, a silent conversation passing between us.

"Fitt," I said, my voice steady, "We've seen more than our fair share of stars and fought through storms we never thought we could survive. But we did. Now it's time for us to face our own challenges, find our own peace. I need your help to make sure Chef gets to his family. If you can handle that, I can handle this."

He nodded, his usual jovial demeanor replaced by a quiet solemnity. "Ok," he said, his voice thick. I had never seen Fitt at a loss for words. This was one of the funniets men I had ever encounted, but here he stood without a word to say.

Chef stood by, his usual cheer subdued by the weight of the moment. "Thank you, Moe," he said, extending a hand. I took it in mine, feeling the gratitude emanating from his grip. "You're giving me a chance to find my family. I don't know if I'll ever be able to repay you."

"Don't think of it as a debt, Chef," I said, smiling at him. "Think of it as a promise. We'll see each other again, in another corner of this vast cosmos."

I took a deep breath, ready to impart my last words, "Listen fellas, remember, our journeys aren't defined by where we're going, but by what we've been through. We've seen galaxies come to life and stars die. We've fought tooth and nail for our survival, and we have always prevailed. Don't ever forget that."

The Martian winds whipped around outside the ship, carrying my words into the ether as Fitt and Chef absorbed them. I continued, "Hold onto these lessons. They're the real treasures we've gathered. And remember, no matter how far you go, no matter what you find, never let go of who you are."

Fitt nodded, a tear welling up in his eyes. "We won't forget, Voidrunner. We'll make you proud."

With that we stood and embraced as brothers. I was going to miss these boys, but I knew that Chef needed to find his family and I knew there wasn't a better pilot in the cosmos to get him there. And for me, it was back to the life I had started with. I wasnt sure yet if this would be the final chapter the universe had written for me, but if it was then it was a great book. I'd lived a life full of adventure, wonder, and friendships. When I was 16, the life of a miner felt dull and unpromising. But now it was a life that I was excited to get back too.

As the Nomad's engines roared to life, the reality of our goodbyes settled in. We were embarking on new chapters of our lives, shaped by our shared past and driven by our individual futures.

As the ship faded into the Martian sky, a sense of peace washed over me. I knew I had made the right choice. Watching my friends leave on their new adventure, I turned towards the Martian mines. A new challenge awaited me, and I was ready to face it head-on. But for that moment, I simply allowed myself to hear the winds on my helmet, see the red dust in the air, and watched the Nomad fading into the vast expanse of the cosmos.

This wasn't goodbye. It was simply a 'see you later.' Or at least, that's what I hoped.